Sunday, 6 December 2015

Q59.P3,j15. Match the following with respect to heuristic search techniques.

List i
List ii.
A.      Steepest Ascent hill climbing.
1.       Keeps track of all partial paths, which can be candidate for further exploration.
B.      Branch and bound
2.       Discover problem state that satisfy a set of constraints.
C.      Constraint satisfaction
3.       Detect difference between current state and goal state.
D.      Means end analysis
4.       Consider all moves from the current state and selects best moves.

 A             B             C             D
a)      I               iv             iii             ii
b)      Iv            I               ii              iii
c)       I               iv             ii              iii
d)      Iv            ii              I               iii.

Answer B.

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